Author Gael Garbarino Cullen at Lake Forest Book Store

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Name: Author Gael Garbarino Cullen at Lake Forest Book Store
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
Event Description:

We welcome Milwaukee-area Producer/Director/Writer Gael Garbarino Cullen as she presents her debut book.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
at Lake Forest Book Store
662 N. Western Avenue
Lake Forest, IL 60045

Books available for purchase and signing

Refreshments will be served

RSVP at 847-234-4420

Praise for Owning Grief In raw, compelling honesty, Gael Garbarino Cullen articulates the complexities of grief and single motherhood, beautifully illustrating the power of resilience. Natalie Kathryn Sanchez, Author, The Language of Loss An unflinching walk through the long and inevitably difficult stages of grief - confirming and validating the curves and turns that come with healing. Steve Radowski, grieving parent Straight-forward and captivating. I have worked with many who would benefit by learning how the author owned her grief after the sudden death of her husband, and then directed that grief into strength to meet the challenges of single parenthood. Judy Higgs, MA Counseling Psychology, Co-coordinator of Parish Widows Ministry.

Born and raised in Detroit, Gael still harbors a fondness for Motown music and Tiger baseball but three-plus decades of living in her “adopted” hometown of Milwaukee leave no doubt where her loyalties lie.  She loves telling stories about and for Wisconsin businesses, people and organizations.  And her background in news and PBS documentary production give her a special flair for getting to the heart of a story.  Gael welcomes the challenge of tackling a complicated subject matter and making it user-friendly, often in the healthcare or environmental areas, but give her a non-profit organization with a great cause to promote, and she truly shines.  It’s no surprise, then, that one particular “spare time” passion is the Steve Cullen Healthy Heart Run/Walk, raising money for heart research here in southeast Wisconsin. She is a debut author of Owning Grief: Widowed Young, How I Discovered Gifts in Loss.

Lake Forest Book Store   
662 North Western Avenue
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, October 4th
Contact Information:
Morley Vahey