Turn Cold Calls Into Warm Calls

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Name: Turn Cold Calls Into Warm Calls
Date: January 15, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CST
Website: score.org
Event Description:
Does the idea of making cold calls make you squirm? Learn tips on how to turn a cold call into a “warm call”.
Small business owner, Laura Hroma had never sold a thing before launching her business. She followed all the usual guidance and decided there was a better way.
Learn how to:

·       Turn a sales call into a conversation
·       Build a relationship with a prospect
·       Overcome sales anxiety
Meet the presenter, Laura Hroma
Laura is the owner of Proforma Innovative Marketing. She has been a small business owner for 14 years, and grew her sales from zero to becoming a member of the Million Dollar Club.
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