Vibe with AI: The Business Owner's Path to Future Success

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Name: Vibe with AI: The Business Owner's Path to Future Success
Date: September 5, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
Event Description:
DIGITAL SOCIAL MEDIA: Finding the Right Social Platforms
and Marketing Practices for Maximum Profits
The rules, players and technology have all changed while the goal remains the same: build a sustainable, profitable business using effective modern-day digital marketing initiatives.
The digital marketing landscape as we know it has been obliterated.
But with the rise of AI and the fall of many now obsolete best-marketing practices,
what's the best way to market a business on social media in this new era?
It's time to activate smart marketing protocols designed to accelerate
our adoption of how we use social media, especially for next-generation growth,
to be successful now and in the future.
What You Will Learn:
Discover how to incorporate smart marketing protocols
and integrate AI into your MarketingOps.
Learn how to navigate the digital marketing insurgency
to creative effective social media engagement.
Determine which social media platforms, content marketing styles,
and tones are best for your brand and goals.
Explore a new way to define KPIs, OKRs, and other metrics
to measure the ROI of your social media marketing initiatives.
Arthur Zards
Arthur Zards Leads an innovation lab dedicated to assisting businesses in crafting transformative experiences.
Founder and curator of TEDxNaperville, a premier platform for spreading groundbreaking ideas.
Specializes in coaching individuals to master the art of communication, emulating the impactful style of TED speakers.
Has mentored over 250 speakers, including a diverse group of students, billionaire entrepreneurs, Olympic medalists, leading scientists, astronauts, and even an entire marching band, guiding them to share their ideas effectively.
His guidance has led TED/TEDx speakers to achieve over 41 million views on YouTube, showcasing the significant impact of their shared ideas on a global audience.
An innovative entrepreneur, Arthur founded an Internet company at the dawn of the digital age, before the advent of the modern web browser, demonstrating his foresight and pioneering spirit in the tech industry.
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