Artists/Custom Designs

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Kerri Sherman Photography
Photography studio - fine art commissions, family portraits, creative space for workshops & gatherings.
273 Market Square
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Artists on the Bluff
ART POP 724 N. Western Ave, Lake Forest, Summer Arts Festival, Lake Bluff
P.O. Box 711
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Deer Path Art League
Mission: The Deer Path Art League strives to spark, nurture and enhance creativity as well as raise awareness and appreciation of the arts in the community.

400 E. Illinois Road - 2nd floor
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Artisan Guild
Members of the Guild are local residents who create fine arts and crafts. The Guild organizes several shows per year for the purpose of showing and selling their work to benefit LF and LB charities.
45 Alden Lane
Lake Forest, IL 60045
McMahon Studio/Gallery
Art work - ceramic tile mural and limited edition prints.
Mustard Seed
A fair trade gift shop, the Mustard Seed carries jewelry, scarves, home goods, women's clothing, children's products and so much more! Many of the items are one-of-kind!
202 E. Westminster Ave
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Ragsdale, Inc.
Ragsdale, Inc. is the North Shore's premier painting, decorating and finishing firm, since 1977.
709 Sheridan Road
Lake Bluff, IL 60044
213 Justins Ct
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Therese Crowe Design Ltd.
Fine jewelry boutique and custom design
291 E. Deerpath
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Woodpecker Shop, LLC
Screen Printer, Apparel, Art, Branding,
Lake Bluff, IL 60044-2452